Then there's the Demon Rune. When its arrival is announced, its spawn point appears and a five second countdown begins. The instant that timer runs out, the Rune goes live and the first person to touch it is transformed into an extremely powerful demonic entity. Kill streaks inevitably ensue, as the demon is capable of one-shotting nearly every living thing in range and boasts an incredibly large pool of hit points. Though the finished product will allow you to choose from a stable of hellbeasts,
Doom's alpha and beta only feature one demon: the Revenant. This skeletal horror not only splatters everything with its rocket launchers, but is able to take to the air with its jetpack.
I could say so much more about Doom, but it's best saved until the game is finally in our hands. It promises to be a complete package, with a lengthy campaign, a fully-loaded multiplayer suite, and SnapMap, a platform with which users can create their own content, from maps to modes and beyond. Considering the quality of what I've personally played, I'm convinced that it's bound to make a big, molten splash when it hits stores next month. Check back for a full review.