Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Map Pack's three new maps are designed to accommodate several different types of gameplay. The first map, "Trailer Park," is a small, condensed map that is supposed to be designed to provide serious CQC opportunities. Unfortunately, due to some long sight-lines, many of the players are simply setting up camp and picking off opponents as they enter the scope. Thus, "Trailer Park" seems, at this point, to be the least favored of the three new maps.
The second new offering, "Fuel," is a large map on the scale of "Overgrown." The area is broken into two distinct sections; a processing area full of buildings and an open, rocky desert area perfect for some good sniping action. Though the map is well conceived, it does suffer from a glitch that allows players to fall into a rock, thus allowing them to snipe others while remaining unseen and basically untouchable. These type of glitches quickly remove the fun from a map and the players that abuse them, well, suffice it to say that I cannot publish the words I would use to describe them in this review. (Side note: It may have no effect in the long run, but I report every single player I encounter that uses such glitches and I encourage other honest gamers to do the same. < /soapbox > )
The final map, "Carnival," is the gem of this expansion pack. Taking place in an old, abandoned amusement park, players must navigate through dilapidated roller-coasters, old carousels, a creepy funhouse, rusted bumper cars and a myriad of other easily identifiable thematic areas common to all such places. The map offers good sniping positions while allowing a decent team of players the routes necessary to attack said spots. The visually imagery evokes memories of childhood with just a touch of the Stephen King.