Unlike the lifeless Capital Wasteland, Point Lookout is full of plant life and dotted with radioactive swamplands. These areas play home to numerous, brainless "swamp folk" and zombies. If each expansion is setting to do something different with the series,
Point Lookout introduces a horror element. Though not particularly scary, it has a great B-horror flick meets
Deliverance feel that lends itself to a creepy, isolationist feel.
Fallout 3: Point Lookout plays home to three major quests as well as a few minor ones. This is Fallout 3's largest expansion, featuring a landmass roughly the size of a third of the Capital Wastes. As such, gameplay lends itself more towards exploration (though there are a few firefights to keep you busy). Finding locations isn't particularly tough, but the area's landscape doesn't make for an easy trip. If you've spent any time exploring the southwestern part of the Wastes, you'll have a good idea of what Point Lookout throws at you.
Quests are relatively straightforward, though there isn't much in the way of moral choice. You'll have to make decisions about which course of action to take, though there's nothing as daunting as Broken Steel's big climatic decision. However, quests feature more variety than past expansions. In one, you'll need to complete a long-dead Chinese spy's mission (which has a bit of a Bond-meets-National Treasure
Point Lookout is light on new loot. There's a double-barreled shotgun and lever-action rifle and you get a nice toy for completing the main questline, but all three are a bit disappointing compared to what you'll likely enter the area with.