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Score: 93%
Developer: Aims Labs
Device Type: Video


The Jam!! has one function: it allows the PlayStation to be connected to an SVGA monitor (while allowing PC video to pass through when not in use). Why would this be useful? Well, there are a few instances which spring to mind. First, it is generally more acceptable for a person to ?hog? a computer than the TV. If you are going to be in front of the computer anyway, who cares if you are playing PSX. Second, although TVs are usually, on average, larger than PC monitors, they are not as crisp or accurate, and are typically older. In addition, TV sound systems are usually not as well suited for games as PC sound systems, which were designed with gaming in mind.

This actually would be a fairly weak argument if it weren?t for the fact that the Jam!! takes its video signal from the PSX in the S-Video format. This provides a picture which is much more vibrant and sharp than the video signal most PSX games are using on their TVs. So, the final word on Functionality is this -- If you do have an old TV and have a nice-sized monitor (or plan to upgrade your monitor before your TV), then you should consider picking up a Jam!!


The controls for the Jam!! consist of simply Power and Volume controls. The Volume controls are located in the rear of the unit in the form of two small push buttons -- one for increasing volume and one for decreasing volume. The Power button is easily accessible as it is located in the front of the device. But it is a custom shape and is somewhat awkward to push.

I wouldn?t want to see the results of a stress test on this unit. It is light and doesn?t have an extremely sturdy feel. HOWEVER, the Jam!! is designed to be hooked up between your PlayStation and PC once and left alone (other than being turned on and off). Its durability should never come into question under normal usage conditions.

The Jam!! is contained in a slimline plastic case which approximates the size and shape of a personal CD player. The case is lavender-gray with the name, Jam!! plastered across the largest surface. This surface may be either the top or the side, depending on configuration. (The Jam!! includes a base which can be used to stand the unit on its side, thus considerably reducing its footprint.)

  • Allows PlayStation to connect to SVGA monitor
  • Slimline design
  • Optional baseplate included
  • Uses S-Video output for superior picture

Drawbacks & Problems::

Other than the Power button being slightly awkward to depress, the layout of connectors and controls is its greatest shortfall. The Volume controls would have been more easily accessible on the front of the device and all connectors should have been mounted in the rear. (The S-Video In and Audio L/R In are located on the side (or top) of the Jam!!

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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