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Total Recall

Score: 88%
Rating: R
Publisher: Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Region: 1
Media: UMD/1
Running Time: 113 min.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Action
Audio: PSP Stereo


  • Commentary by Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Director Paul Verhoeven
  • Imagining Total Recall Documentary

Action hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a young Sharon Stone, Rachel Ticotin (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and Michael Ironside are just a few of the names that helped make this Philip K. Dick short story-to-movie a Sci-Fi classic.

Total Recall follows Douglas Quaid (or is it really Douglas Hauser), played by Arnie, who finds himself bored with his life. On the way home one day, he sees an advertisement for a "virtual vacation". This new and somewhat controversial operation will actually give you the memories of having gone somewhere else. Douglas decides to sign up and virtually go to Mars, against his wife's (Stone) wishes.

But something goes wrong (of course) and it seems the procedure has started unlocking older, hidden memories of Douglas as a secret agent named Douglas Hauser. Before he knows what's happening, Douglas finds that everyone he thought he could trust is really his enemy, and he must really travel to Mars and infiltrate the resistance in order to find out what really happened to him.

While on the red planet, Quaid/Hauser joins up with a gang of mutated people altered by radiation emitting from the planet's factories and works to stop the conglomerate corporations from their reign over the Martian inhabitants. Of course, the real question is -- is this all real, or is it a part of Quaid's virtual vacation?

Ever since Total Recall hit theaters in 1990, it has been a favorite in the Sci-Fi genre. Between the various gadgets and mutated people (sporting everything from psychic powers to extra ... umm body parts), this movie captured the classic story extremely well.

Total Recall's UMD edition also features a couple of extras including commentary by Arnold and the film's director, Paul Verhoeven. The other featurette is "Imagining Total Recall", a documentary that will shed a lot of light on what went into the film.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

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