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Kung Fu Panda

Score: 97%
Rating: PG
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: Blu-ray/1
Running Time: 88 Mins.
Genre: Comedy/Animated/Family
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, French
           5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1
           Dolby Digital, Portuguese 5.1
           Dolby Digital

Subtitles: English, English SDH, French,
           Spanish, Portuguese


  • The Animators' Corner: Storyboards & Interviews - Blu-ray Exclusive
  • Trivia Track - Blu-ray Exclusive
  • BD-Live Fun Features - Blu-ray Exclusive
  • Dragon Warrior Training Acadamy
  • What Fighting Style Are You?
  • Learn to Draw (HD)
  • Conservation International: Help Save the Wild Pandas (HD)
  • "Kung Fu Fighting" Music Video by Cee-Lo (HD)
  • Inside the Chinese Zodiac (HD)
  • Do You Kung Fu? (HD)
  • Food Network Exclusive: Alton Brown at Mr. Ping's Noodle House
  • How to Use Chopsticks
  • Meet the Cast
  • Pushing the Boundaries
  • Dumpling Shuffle
  • Sound Design
  • Learn the Panda Dance
  • Animals of Kung Fu Panda
  • Trailers

Kung Fu Panda introduces us to Po (Jack Black), a lovable panda obsessed with the ancient art of kung fu. One day, as he is working in his father's noodle house, he hears that the great Dragon Warrior is finally going to be chosen. Try as he might, he just can't get into the amphitheater to watch the event, but fate and fireworks intervene and he lands smack dab in the middle of the proceedings. Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim) names Po as the great Dragon Warrior, much to the shock and horror of Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), his loyal student, and Shifu's students, The Furious Five - Viper (Lucy Liu), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Crane (David Cross) and Mantis (Seth Rogen). However, Shifu follows Oogway's orders and agrees to train Po so that he will be prepared to wear the title of the Dragon Warrior.

In the meantime, Tai Lung (Ian McShane), evil criminal and sworn enemy of Shifu and The Furious Five, escapes from his maximum security prison and sets out to become the true Dragon Warrior, even if it means annihilating Shifu and the Five. Will they continue to make Po's life a miserable hell in the hopes that he will leave or will they all band together to defeat the common enemy, Tai Lung? Of course they band together, but the process of watching Po become the hero he was meant to be is indeed a funny process.

Everyone was perfectly voice cast for their roles. Jack Black attacks the role of Po with such exuberance, as he does every role, and his childlike qualities make Po oh-so-lovable. Dustin Hoffman is so powerful in his role of the tiny red panda, Shifu, and watching him "teach" Po, or should I say torture him, is hysterical. Jolie, Cross, Rogen, Liu and Chan are all wonderful additions to the cast, but Ian McShane will make you shake in your boots. His all-powerful voice is so chilling.

There are a number of fun special features included on this release, most of which are directed at kids, and several of them are Blu-ray exclusive. There's the Dragon Warrior Training Academy game which is twitch-based and a nice diversion for kids. There's a music video for "Kung Fu Fighting," plus several featurettes that introduce the cast, talk about the challenges of sound design and also of the animation required to pull off this feature. There's also one that teaches you how to use chopsticks, but my favorite has got to be a trip to Mr. Ping's Noodle House (ok, so it's really Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills) with Food Network's Iron Chef Alton Brown. Here, you get to see how noodles are made and the process is so amazing, they had to slow things down and zoom in so you could actually see what was happening. Cool stuff, especially for foodies. Don't forget a quick featurette on pandas and their fight against extinction, plus fun extras that teach about the Chinese Zodiac and instruct kids on how to draw Po and a few games as well. Blu-ray exclusives include a Trivia Track, Storyboards and Interviews by the animators and also BD-Live featuring fun KFP related stuff to download.

Kung Fu Panda is a movie to watch over and over. The animation is truly breathtaking, the story well-done, and the laughs are as plentiful as the noodles at Mr. Ping's Noodle House. The Blu-ray version looks amazing, the animation is crystal clear and colors simply pop off the screen. With surround sound, you'll hear every bone-cruncing blow as if it were in your own living room. If you haven't yet treated yourself to this wonderful film, go buy it today and if you have a high-def setup, then the Blu-ray version is definitely worth the extra change!

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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