The story surrounds Becky (Rebel Wilson), who in high school served as resident whipping girl to a popular clique known as the B-faces. Now in their early 30's, these girls still keep in touch and are shocked when hefty Becky gets a wedding proposal from her handsome and successful boyfriend Dale (Hayes MacArthur), while their lives are still spinning in place. As they come together to celebrate Becky's wedding as members of her bridal party, old feelings will surface and foolishness will abound.
Regan (Kirsten Dunst) lives in New York with Becky, while Gena (Lizzy Caplan) and Katie (Isla Fisher) have to fly in for the wedding. Once they all arrive, it's easy to see why they are in a slump; Regan works at a hospital with children with cancer, but only so she can talk about how important her job is, while Gena and Katie are still partying like it's 1999, literally. When Becky's bachelorette party ends abruptly when some insulting old high school nicknames are mentioned, the rest of the girls still go back to the room and party. While mocking Becky, they damage her wedding dress and spend the rest of the night trying to make amends, both to the dress and to Becky. Can they fix the dress, save the day, and grow up a little in the process? Only time will tell.
I just didn't think Bachelorette was very funny. It had some great actresses in it, but I just thought it was mean-spirited and lacked the tremendous sense of humor that something like Bridesmaids brought to the table. While I can't say there weren't some funny moments, overall I didn't really enjoy it. Special features are limited to a blooper reel and a brief behind the scenes. It's a rental at best.