The Dark Backward follows Marty Malt (Judd Nelson), a garbage man in world full of trash, as he attempts to become a stand-up comedian. Next to this rising star is Gus (Bill Paxton), fellow garbage man, who becomes Marty's accordion-playing musical accompaniment. Unfortunately for Marty, he isn't funny in the least. He is a shy, mousey character that reminds me of another Marty (this one being from Back to the Future, of course).
Marty's night-career isn't going anywhere until, for some reason, he grows a third arm out of his back. The film doesn't try to explain why or how he does it (though everyone around him seems to belive Marty did this on purpose). I can only assume that the sheer amount of trash and toxic waste that this city seems to be covered in has caused this strange and sudden mutation. Anyway. with his new appendage (and Gus' help), Marty starts to attract a crowd and an agent, Jackie Chrome (Wayne Newton).
Through a series of coincidences, lies and sheer oddities, Marty's career takes off (even though he isn't funny). Unfortunately, his personal life isn't doing all that well. His long-term girlfriend breaks up with him and his mother thinks that he grew the extra arm to spite her. The comedian and musician find their way onto a local talent show and then get invited to a big time late-night show. At this point, Marty seems to have it all, even if he doesn't want it, but it all goes south quickly after this point.
Judd Nelson does great as the weasely Marty (especially since I'm used to seeing him as a tough guy) while Bill Paxton's Gus character is a product of the grimy world they all live in.
This DVD has quite a few features to celebrate the film's 15th anniversary. There are a slew of outtakes and deleted scenes that are pretty entertaining, as well as a Q&A session with Bill Paxton, Judd Nelson, Adam Rifkin (writer) and Brad Wyman (producer). The other noticeable featurette is Blump's Squeezable Documentary which goes really in depth into the movie's history and unusual origins.
Neither the movie nor the DVD is for just anyone. As far as I can tell, this DVD is for existing fans of the film. If you are such a person, then I'm sure you will find this chock full of great features.