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The World is Not Enough: 007 Returns with a Bang

Company: EA Games

Wow. If you played Tomorrow Never Dies and were less than impressed, be prepared to be knocked out by The World is Not Enough. It looks as though everything has been overhauled. All of the characters look just like their on-screen counterparts and are very realistic, the voice-overs are top notch, and the sound effects are dead-on. Cinematic scores abound and the scads FMV movies in between the levels carry along the plot well. Highly detailed levels and immersive environments await you in your quest as 007. Sure, many of the minor characters look very similar, but that?s minor. Overall, TWINE scores high in this department.

Remember that feeling you got when you first popped Medal of Honor into your PSX? The thrill is back, only this time with 007 at the helm. I was immediately addicted to TWINE because of the strong similarity between it and MOH, only with James Bond as the main character, you?ll encounter far more interesting scenarios. Bond may find himself on a run-and-gun mission after an assassin, he may be stealthing around a lover?s mansion gathering evidence and avoiding guards, or even flirting with babes and racking up cash in a casino. There are different gameplay elements in every level, so things never get boring. In fact, you?ll want to keep playing just to see what happens next (whether you saw the movie or not). If you have a passing interest in Bond, First Person Shooters, or really, video games in general, you owe it to yourself to check this one out. And hey, why waste money on a rental when you know you?ll want to own it anyway?

The World is Not Enough is definitely hard enough to keep you coming back for more, but not enough to make you destroy your controller in a fit of frustration. O.k., maybe one or two levels. When you begin your game, you can choose between Agent and 007. I think you get the idea. Overall, the variation in levels and good A.I. make for a gaming experience that must not be missed.

007 has been stacked and packed with all the latest gadgets courtesy of Q. Bond has goodies such as a fingerprint scanner, a VLF disruptor for sneaking through security gates, a cell phone stunner, and more weapons than an angry Middle Eastern country. There is an auto aim function which takes the heat off of having to be precise at all times, but sniper mode is here too. From time to time, Bond will receive messages via his MIG, a device which stores his inventory list, objectives, and incoming messages from headquarters. Very nifty. Since this is a First Person Shooter, there are a few control issues, but nothing insurmountable. After a few minutes of gameplay, it?s rather easy to settle into your role as Bond and get comfy with the control scheme. Dual shock is utilized nicely in TWINE, and the controller rumbles just perfectly when you get hit. The World is Not Enough is definitely one to look out for this upcoming holiday season.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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