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Countdown Vampires: Vampire A-Go-Go

Company: Bandai

The graphics in Countdown Vampires are very reminiscent of Resident Evil - 3D characters on a static, pre-rendered background. A very nice background, mind you. In the beginning of the game, when you are in the casino areas, things are kind of confusing. The different rooms look very much alike, despite the attempt to differentiate their styles. Course, they are all pretty creepy - but that?s a good thing in a game like this. As you progress, the areas get far better. Some are absolutely lovely. The characters themselves look pretty good as well. Now, as far as sound effects go, the voice acting is a little lame, although nowhere near the scale of Resident Evil (thank God). But the sounds these vampires make. Ugh. Sometimes they sound like they are belching or vomiting. Other times, just plain goofy. You will learn to dread them. So just kill or save them all and try to ignore it.

Again, very Resident Evil. I hate to keep comparing, but it?s definitely a Resident Evil clone. But in my opinion, that is perfectly fine. It?s a terrific survival horror game. You are Keith, a security guard at a casino grand opening. All hell breaks loose and it?s vampire a-go-go. So, Keith sets out to solve the mystery and save or kill the vampires he meets up with along the way. Oh, and he is trying to live too.

In the beginning of the game, things are a bit frustrating. The vampires are very fast and the situation is confusing. Give it time. Once I delved into the actual meat of the game, I was solidly hooked. Sure, it?s the hunt, explore, puzzle-solve fest one would expect. But that?s why you buy a game like this, eh? Good stuff all around.

It?s no walk in the park, I?ll tell you that. As I said, the vampires are fast, and they tend to swarm you. And you always need to reload your gun at the darndest times. Bad camera angles abound (a survival horror standard, it seems) and the control is not the best in the world. All of this adds to the difficulty, but it?s part of the genre that has stood the test of time.

Bad camera angles. They plague these types of games. But yes, they definitely add suspense. In my opinion, they work well here. The control is again, very Resident Evil, although the buttons are switched up a bit, so it takes some getting used to. All in all, Countdown Vampires looks to be a sure-fire winner for any fan of survival horror.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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