The graphics of Joey the Passion are O.K.; there is nothing too flashy about them and there is no need for there to be. Most of the time, you’ll be staring at a sidewalk-chalk rendition of a Yu-Gi-Oh! playing field. The cards that are on the field are easily identifiable, and the enlarged versions on the left are great replicas of the actual cards (as opposed to the truncated or rearranged versions typically seen on the consoles).
As you play against Joey, he will appear in the middle of the screen with various comments. For instance, when you flip over a trap or magic card, often times he will pop up (in a truly anime style) with a shocked look on his face.
Most of the time, Joey’s comments are diverse enough to keep you entertained, and they never really get too repetitive. The background music does a good job of filling the void and keeps a rhythm to the game.