But, I digress. The graphics are among the best I've seen on the Sega Dreamcast - realistic sun glare, a gorgeous sky, detailed animated amusement park rides to build in and around - all together, it's beautiful. The sounds are not quite as developed. The game uses a simple looping rumble for the sound of the coaster going full-tilt. This is not noticible until your coaster can't make it over a hill and comes to a rest while still sounding like it's roaring along. (Then it's just kind of funny...) Also, there's not much variation on the screams of the passengers, but then, I guess that's not that far from real life, after all... The music in the game is simply cheesy, but in a sort of amusing way. You don't pick up this game for the soundtrack. If you want to turn down the volume and listen to your favorite CDs, then by all means, go ahead. The gameplay won't be affected. (Well, until you do the simulation... then you'll want to hear them scream in the clutches of your creation MWUHAH-HAH-HAH-Hahhhhh!!!)