The last collection of Capcom games from this era was cracka-lackin', so expectations here may run a bit high. Not too high, but medium height. There is a different style of game showcased here, more toward the side of interesting gameplay. The prettiest titles are the Street Fighter joints and Knights of the Round. 1942, '43 and Kai are much improved from the first Capcom collection that featured 1941. I warmed up to the feature that allows you to flip the screen and play vertical-scrolling titles by holding the PSP like a PDA. In the first release, this felt clunky. Maybe I've just matured since then, but I had no problem playing from this perspective. Good thing, because there are some fun games like Commando and Gun Smoke that look much better on the "long screen."
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded plays to the nostalgia we naturally feel from growing up with these games by including lots of extras. Some are unlocked and others are available "out of the box." Box art and concept art is featured along with instructions on how to play and some history of the game. The histories are detailed and provide nice background information. The art and special items lend some depth to the collection and help clarify how cutting edge these games were in their day.