Hamsterz: Life, you start out by choosing your name and of course then picking out your rodent. There are five different hamster species to choose from and, of course, the gender as well. Once you pick your flavor, you will be taken to your room where your hamster will wait for you in its very own starter cage.
Since this is a virtual pet, you have every opportunity to care for and train your hamster. Feed it, water it and keep the cage clean. You also have the opportunity to free your hamster in your room and watch it scurry around and maybe even discover a few hidden items it can use. Training the hamster involves getting it used to words by saying them into the mic. and then having the mutant rat finally repeat them back. Cute, but kind of off the expected path.
Currency to buy the things you need comes from playing various mini-games. I thought these were cool. A little break from the norm of just watching the fuzzball run around and eat. Use the coins to buy a new home and even a new city for your hamster to run. Kind of gave me that Hamtaro feeling with the talking rats and miniature city.