Teenage Lawnmower is far from being a pure lawn mowing sim. You have to battle the hardships of your everyday life while trying to keep a lucrative business by mowing peoples' yards. Your alcoholic mother and her white-trash boyfriend will appear to be your main problem, but delving further into this game will reveal a dynamic neighborhood that hasn't had its filter changed in quite some time.
As each day in the game goes by, you have to make enough money to keep you and your poor mother from starving, freezing, etc. During the course of each day, you will get various calls from prospective clients who need their grass trimmed. It's up to you to decide if the time it takes and the money it pays are worth the effort.
A handful of clients will call you over and over again for the first few days, and each client will represent a different level. To complete the level, and get your cash, you have to cover the entire yard (mow) in a certain amount of time. These levels have their own catches. For instance, on one job you do for a city park, you can't run over any squirrels. Others will have you avoiding boulders, or rabid watchdogs.
Not only does choosing what levels to play affect the game, but you will also be faced with different decisions each day. Do you steal your mom's boyfriend's dinner? Or do you go hungry? Do you join a cult? Your answer to these situations will have a factor on current situations and also the ending of the game. Yes, there are multiple endings in this game. I was surprised as well.